The heavens declare the glory of God...

Salem, Indiana

Our History
As wonderful as the inventions and conveniences of modern society are - our children need much more to grow to be well-rounded, productive citizens of earth and heaven. They need more than "virtual reality", they need God’s reality.
Wonder Valley Christian Camp is a fabulous testimony of God’s reality. Located in the rolling hills of southern Indiana, WVCC is a 125-acre testament that the creation is indeed "the work of His hands." And, seeing the beautiful waterfalls, the rippling creeks, the deep valleys and lushly forested ridges - who can deny that this place was indeed sculpted by the Master artist?
WVCC started in 1946 as the dream of Art Morris, minister at Walnut Grove Christian Church and Forrest Wilkin, minister at Orleans Christian Church, to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In those early days campers slept on straw mattresses and showered under the waterfalls! Meals were cooked in an old smokehouse and a big year was about 70 campers.
For more than half a century the dream of WVCC has grown and been fulfilled as many thousands of campers have come to hear the Word of God proclaimed and to be challenged to follow Jesus Christ. Each year dozens of young men and women make decisions to accept Christ, live more closely to Him or go into full-time Christian ministry or missions.
Many who attended WVCC as youth now send their children, or even grandchildren to the place that meant so much to them. For these families, the camp has become a treasured part of their lives and a lasting part of their spiritual heritage.
Over the years, thanks to the partnership of area churches and supportive individuals, the facilities have changed and improved. But the commitment to the Gospel and to lovingly share it with youth remains as rock-solid as the ridge upon which the camp has been built.
While WVCC's past has been wonderful, we must not he complacent about the present and the future. We are entrusted with the care and nurture of not only the land, but also the mission and ministry as well.
The legacy of WVCC is our stewardship. We must assure that the youth and families of today and tomorrow can gather to learn of God and touch what God has made. We must he diligent to preserve the natural beauty, the commitment to truth and to building God’s kingdom. We must strive, therefore, to make the best of Wonder Valley Christian Camp -- even better!