The heavens declare the glory of God...

Salem, Indiana
What to Bring:
Use this packing list to make sure your camper has the things they need for a great stay at Wonder Valley Christian Camp.
Happy Day Campers only need to bring items with asterisk*
Pencil or Pen*
Note paper*
Personal Hygiene Items (hair brush, toothbrush/ tooth paste, etc)
Sheets and Blankets or Sleeping Bag*
Suitable Clothing (enough sets for the duration of the event)
Swimsuit and Covering* (see camp rule #6)
Shoes (sandals/flip flops may be worn in dorm, but campers need to bring sturdy shoes for Rec time)*
Money for Missions and Canteen*
(Missions: Several times during the week campers will hear about mission work being done in various parts of the world, and will have the opportunity to contribute an offering to help fund that work.
Canteen: All items at canteen are $1 each. Campers are limited to 2 items per day. Current year camp shirts can be purchased at canteen for $10 each. Previous years shirts are available in limited sizes.
Bug spray
Do NOT bring:
Phones or Smart Watches that function as a phone or messaging device
Electronic Devices
Magazines, comic books or novels
Musical instruments may be brought, BUT are campers' responsibility and not the camp’s.
Wonder Valley Christian Camp ~ Rules
The camper who is unable or unwilling to abide by these rules should not enroll and may be dismissed from camp.
Each camper and faculty member will follow the schedule unless excused by the dean.
NO ONE, faculty or campers, is permitted to leave the camp property without permission of the dean.
The use or possession of vaping, alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco is prohibited. Visitors are requested to refrain from using such while on the camp property.
Automobiles are to be locked and parked in specified areas only. Campers who have a vehicle at camp are to turn their keys over to the dean.
NO phones, electronic devices, magazines, comic books, novels, or pets. Musical instruments are your own responsibility and not the camp’s.
Please keep in mind, as you are packing for camp, that you should glorify God in all you do and the way you dress. Shorts and skirts that are too short are not acceptable. Pants and jeans should not be too tight. Only modest T-shirts and tank tops that cover underclothing and the body appropriately may be worn — no spaghetti strap tank tops. No two-piece or immodest one-piece bathing suits are allowed. A long T-shirt or some other covering must be worn to and from the pool. If your style of dress is considered inappropriate by the dean or cabin parents, you will be expected to change.
Any damage to camp property will be the responsibility of those committing it.
Respect the property of others. Stay out of other people’s belongings. We do not want practical jokes that will hurt and embarrass someone or damage property.
All medication is to be left with the camp nurse when you register. The nurse will dispense the medicine to the camper. (No person may be admitted to camp who has been exposed to a communicable disease, who has a contagious skin disease, or who is subject to severe chronic disease.)
The telephone is to be used only with permission from the dean.
Campers’ conduct must reflect Biblical standards of purity. Promiscuity and harassment will not be tolerated.
For the security of the campers, and also to discourage home-sickness, only guests invited by the Dean are allowed and must check-in at the office.
Mail for your camper is encouraged. Be sure and put their name on the outside of the envelope, along with the name of the event they are attending.