The heavens declare the glory of God...
Salem, Indiana
2024 specialty weeks INfo
Specialties I: Outdoor Sports & Craft Camps (June 23-28)
Specialties II: Woodworking, Sports & Cooking Camps (July 14-19)
Faculty and Jr. Faculty for Specialties I and Specialties II:
Thank you so much for choosing to spend a week of your summer serving at Wonder Valley Christian Camp. We have a busy schedule planned, and I am looking forward to working with all of you.
Everything I address here will pertain to both Specialties Weeks. If you have questions about the specific week you are working, feel free to get in touch with me.
All specialties for both weeks are full or nearly full!
We will again be in the Macedonia dorm, in the "meadow" property at Wonder Valley.
There will be a Faculty meeting 3:00-3:30 on the Sunday of each week. Please arrive on time, as I will have even more details to go over before the campers arrive at 4:00 to begin their check-in process.
On Sunday, each camper will be given a water bottle, a folder with their schedule, memory work, daily devotion sheets, an ink pen and a string backpack to keep these things organized. Faculty will also receive a water bottle, string backpack and the final schedule. If you submitted your Faculty Screening Form before May 11, you will also get a free camp t-shirt. (If you have not submitted your screening form please use the link above to do it as soon as possible.)
I have linked to the Preliminary Schedule (pdf) here, but I will hand out the final schedule when you arrive at camp, as there are sometimes last-minute adjustments, and your final schedule will also include the rotation and groups for recreation.
Each morning, campers will complete the first page of that day's devotion sheet for the Morning Devotions(pdf) on their own. Later in the morning faculty will use the Leader Guide on the next page to facilitate discussion over that material during Morning Discussion. The campers in this group will be your Specialty.
Just before bed time during Evening Discussion time, faculty will use the Evening Discussion Notes (pdf) to lead Bible study in the dorms to end the day. You can work together to decide if you want to do this by dorm room, or combine a couple rooms and rotate discussion leaders each night. Please print off these two sets of materials prior to arriving at camp, so you have paper copies for leading discussions.
2024 THEME:
Our theme this year is One Way (John 14:6). This verse makes it clear that there is only one way to be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. God is very clear that His way is the only way! My goal in selecting the study material and the worship music is help campers learn who God is and why He gives us specific instructions through His Word. We can help them learn to depend on Him completely, instead of being swayed by the chaos of this world.
Let me know if you have any questions,
For His Kingdom,
Tracy Weaver