The heavens declare the glory of God...
Salem, Indiana
Youth Leader Summit
April 15, 2023
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Join us for a Saturday of networking and equipping Youth Ministers, Youth Leaders and Youth Sponsors of our participating churches. We want to use this retreat to energize and encourage youth leaders who serve in various roles. Brian Leslie from Johnson University is back as our main speaker to help us work through some tough topics affecting students today.
Event Schedule
9 a.m. - Welcome/Start​
9:15 - Round Table Discussion
Balancing theology and fun
Deaning a week of camp solo vs. deaning as a team
What's important for a successful week of camp?
10 a.m.- Main Speaker (Brian Leslie, Session 1)
Discussion to follow
12 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. - Main Speaker (Brian Leslie, Session 2)
Understanding and Reaching "The Next Generation"
What are your students going through?
What community aspects (local & virtual) are shaping your students?
3 p.m. Prayer and Dismiss
There is no cost for this event, but please use the form below to register. This helps us plan space and food for the event.
Childcare will NOT be provided but participants are welcome to bring their children, as long as they also provide their own childcare during the event.